All you need to know, to start learning about how to use Astrology to understand the geographical lands that will bring your soul alive.
It wasn’t until I was travelling through England, earlier this year, that I realised, that there really is soul in the soil… that there is a Magic carried through your lineage homelands that speaks to you, through the nature of the lands that your ancestors lived.
I understood the concept logically.. and I have spoken to plants and elementals, through the subtle language of energy, my whole life.
But it wasn’t until I was walking the homelands of my Grandfather (my father’s father) that I really felt the stories of my ancestors, come alive in my blood and my bones.
I remember the first morning I woke up in Fulham, London and looked out of my window at the blossoms lining the streets, light glimmering through the flowers. I could almost see the fairies dancing between the leaves, laughing and singing. My heart was alive feeling the folklore of the land.
And I know this post is meant to be about Astrocartography… trust me, I am getting there.
But in order to teach you about Astrocartography, I have to share why I am even interested in sharing about it.
Astro = Astral = Stars = Soul
The study of Astrology is the study of the Soul - our unique blueprint we are here to experience and embody in this lifetime.
Our spirit, is the lifeforce that runs through absolutely everything. It is the same energy that animates everything in life.
But our soul, is individual. It is what makes us unique.
Every one of us, has a unique soul map, that can be seen and understood by those who are able to read the language of the Astral plane- the language of the stars. Astrology is the study of the soul, through the study of the cosmos - the planets, stars and constellations.
Astrocartography, maps your unique Astrological profile to the Earth.
You can consider it to be a little like Meridian lines - but mapped onto the planet.
Each Line is ruled by a planet and a core angle (AC, IC, DC or MC) - more about these later.
You can use astrocartography to be able to read about what parts of the world will be more or less transformative for you. It is helpful for travel, relocation and learning about which areas of the world hold special and unique transmission forces for your soul.
I recommend two websites for learning about Astrocartography.
I like to use them both as they both give different information.
Astro Seek allows you to hover over a world chart + actually brings up the latitude and longitute coordinates of the places you are wanting to learn about. It allows you to actually click on a place and bring up an astrology chart, for you, for that geographical location. If you are able to read Astrology, this is such a powerful tool to understand how you will interact with that particular location. (Astro Click Travel) allows you to hover over places and it will bring up a short reading for you on that place, if you click on the location on the geographical map.
All of this may mean nothing to you, at this point, if you don’t know Astrology. And for those of you who do, reading this will be just second nature to you.
Depending on what line (planet + angle) is running through a place for you, it will have a certain influence upon you.
Let me give you an example of what I mean + how I use Astrocartography.
My Mercury and Sun (MC) lines run through Costa Rica, right where I have land, near La Fortuna.
These are positive lines for being seen + communicating ones message, particularly in career (the MC angle is our career angle in our chart). The Sun is related to our light & Mercury is the planet ruling communication.
I didn’t know about my positive astrological lines running through the land when I bought it, however, when I was recently designing my house plan for the build I will be doing this year on the land, I had an inkling to check… I was pleasantly surprised.
Good one, intuition.
The soul pull to this land, was strong.
And now the vision is starting to unfold… I can see myself there, slowly sipping coffee, writing Substacks, publishing more books, from my sweet little jungle home.
Many people use Astrocartography to decide on where to travel/live.
I don’t really use it that way… my method isn’t so logical. I like to use it to accompany/back my intutive knowing. When I am drawn to a certain place, I check the Astrocartography lines running through that area and it often just validates what I already knew to be true about my intuitive pull to that land.
Every planet has a unique frequency and gift (as well as shadow) and every angle, will give you a perspective as to WHERE that planetary energy will play out for you. For example, like I spoke about before, the planetary lines were on my MC angles- meaning they were related to and supportive for my career.
Want to learn about each planet and angle and how to read your Astrocartography chart? Become a paid member and subscribe below.